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Activities of Kanyashree Girls

Dengue Prevention

Dengue prevention activities have been taken in a mission mode all over the district of Kalimpong with participation of Kanyashree girls all the way.

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Training on Hospitality

Kanyashree girls were trained on Hospitality sector and its all round activity. The programme was completed in association with May Fair Spa Resort Kalimpong.

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Save Water Save Life

Kalimpong being a hill district is facing water scarcity in some places specially during Summer. Therefore saving of water is of utmost necessity. As always Kanyashree girls are in the forefront to sp

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Dengue Awareness Camp

Bankra mobarka hossain balika vidyalaya kanyashree club , bankra badamtala girls high school kanyashree club nonakundu mahadeb vidyamandir kanyashree club , rajapur dakshin bari kanyashree club , Rudr

Uploaded on 23-07-2019

Total Number of Uploaded Activities of Kanyashree Girls : 367

Success Story

Self Defense Trainings

Self Defense Training is a vital component for Kanyashree Girls in Kalimpong. We organise training of Kanyashrees in the field of Karate and Taekwondo at regular intervals.

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Meeting with District Magistrate Kalimpong and distribution of certificate to Kanyashree

The District Administration makes it a point to interact with Kanyashrees from time to time and felicitating them during various Government Programmes

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Dengue prevention activity

With the association of Kalimpong District Hospital, regular awareness programmes are organized at district and block levels for spreading awareness on the causes of Dengue and its prevention.

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Kanyashree Day celebration 2018

Kanyashree day was celebrated with Much Fanfare in the year 2018

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Total Number of Uploaded Success Story of Kanyashree Girls : 232

Awareness Program

Paschim Banga Bidhan Sabha Visit of Kanyashree girls

Kanyashree girls from Amta-II, Howrah. development block visited Paschim Banga Bidhan Sabha Bhawan on 6th Sep'19

Uploaded on 09-09-2019

Dengue Awareness Programme of Mahila College, Siliguri by involving Kanyashree Girls

Kanyashree Bahini of Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya in guidance of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the College organised a" Dengue Awarness Programme" on 5th Sep,2019. The motto of thi

Uploaded on 06-09-2019

World Tourism Day celebration

Kalimpong being a Tourist place in its own right , celebrated the world Tourism day with much fanfare and made people aware about the huge potential that Kalimpong posseses

Uploaded on 13-08-2019

Save Water

Save Water N Save Life Programme arranged by Kanyashree Club members at Domjur Development Block , Howrah

Uploaded on 23-07-2019

Total Number of Uploaded Awareness Program of Kanyashree Girls : 427

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